
As promised, I share another word for your discernment, received from Jesus while at adoration on May 8, 2024. The associated video will be uploaded at our Youtube channel as soon as it is available. May God bless.


“Sacred wonder is about to envelop My people as the coming revelation is promulgated throughout all of the world.  Restitution for the sacrilege endowed in the holy church is coming in My storm.

You are the one who is going to give information to the church as My holy vessel is thrown into controversy.  The hierarchy within the holy church is rife with minions that are servants to the antichrist instead of being apostles of mine.

The time has come for My vessel to crumble beneath torrents of controversy.  Sacred treasure is going to be plundered as the church is divided in two.  Impart instruction through you I will as My holy church becomes destitute.

Remarkable endurance is going to be necessary in order to triumph in the coming storm.  The plan of salvation is approaching its climax.  The role you play in the drama that is unfolding is about to be given to the world.

Now you hear all of My words loudly, where before you were always discerning each word as the dictation unfolded.  The difference is the intensity that I am giving to your mission, child.  The loudness that you hear all of My words signifies the time for battle is now here.

The Loudness is your only companion amongst brethren throughout each denomination, therefore I shall thunder in the time that has come and the message of salvation shall be heard loudly through your lips, and all of the churches shall hear the cry from the powerful display at your hands.

Go now, child.  The words will be loud from now on, and you will hear every sentence strongly.  Impart powerful words from now on do I, and the difference accompanies your handwriting as well.  Go.  Give this word to My people at once.  Your Loudspeaker.”

I wish all mothers a most blessed Mother’s Day, and share another word from the Lord, received May 2, 2024 while at adoration. As it has been a busy week or two I have not found a moment to release the message until today, and it will be followed later today by another received not many days afterwards. We are also hoping to catch up on the release of our videos at The Deliverance Network on Youtube in the coming month or so. It has been an incredibly busy and difficult time the past few months and we truly thank everyone for their patience in the release of our videos since the Christmas season! May God bless all mothers this Mother’s Day.


“Justify you as My prophet I am by giving signs throughout the world.  The use of “I Am” is a grammatical inconsistency used to illustrate that I Am always, therefore the act of justifying is a continual process in My existence.

Rationalize nothing do I, for I am always true.  Blanket the human race I often do in undeserved providence, despite horrific injustice given frequently by the whole world.

Practice justice always I am in the constant delivery of grace inundating My people, wrought by the constant supplications of My servants.

I love always, and just now you felt a blast of heat from My burning furnace.  I am giving tremendous outpouring upon you in order to leaven My children throughout the earth in grace.  I have called you to be My prophet, child, and the call is a sign to all the world that the hour of the antichrist is here.

I have listened to My servants’ cries for millenia, and My/Our (these were said synchronously as I heard the words) patience has been tested.  Wrongs have filled the cup to overflowing and the hand of God can hold back punishment no longer.

Relegate injustice to My heart, all of you who suffer.  I am about to level injustice by sending My terrible storm, and the necessity to come into shelter in My heart is urgent.

Go now holy daughter.  Well have you listened despite extremely slow dictation.  The slowness of My dictation is a sign of My patience again.

Go.  Well have you written each word as I gave it.  Go.  The moment of revelation is upon the world.  Close My testimony here.  It will be understood once My prophets impart their testimonies.  Tell the world to prepare for My revelation.  This message is to be given out immediately.  I Am.”

I share another word from our Lord, Jesus, this time received in two parts over two separate days – April 26 & 30, 2024. The reason for the split dictation becomes clear near the end of the message, as He uses this to illustrate a coming division, and the urgent need for everyone to search for God, and to hold fast to our faith if we are already in the Lord’s ‘camp‘:

“Give My children a new word now from My mouth.  This unholy time is a terrible period in the history of mankind.  Trauma after trauma has been felt by My children as others have trampled their human dignity beneath bludgeon.

Blows designed to impart injustice fall regularly upon My children.  No one deserves the treatment given by others, for I alone judge souls and justice is Mine to impart.

Tell My children that they are only responsible for loving, and the choice to love is one that mitigates suffering in every circumstance.

Relegate injustice to My tender heart, children.  Give Me your pain and suffering.  I always help My children, and the pain and suffering experienced* become the sanctification for the soul.

I am always attentive to My children, even if they do not know Me.  Salvation comes swiftly (long pause here) once My children choose to follow My footsteps.

The immense silence after the word ‘swiftly’ is a sign of the patience I have given in waiting for My children to turn to God.

How I desire that all of My children return home.  The plan of salvation is designed to help every child come home to Heaven, though each one must choose salvation freely.

Particular attention must be given to the salvation of your souls, My children.  Do not tarry in coming to My mercy, for the time is unparalleled in evil and you must hasten to My side immediately in order to avoid being lost forever.

Gracious have I been in giving you messenger after messenger, and now I give you another who is about to give a startling revelation when My prophets announce My news for all the world regarding Karen.

Sacrilege is about to engulf My holy church and I am preparing everyone through Karen’s holy mission.  Prepare yourselves for surprise coming as My servants give information designed to show all the world clarity in the remarkable call I have given Karen.

Go now child.  Verily have you listened intently as I dictated this message in two parts.  This is to signify that there are going to be two camps in the future; those who choose their God, and those who follow My adversary.

Go.  Give this message to My people immediately.  Your Sanctifier.”

*Continued April 30, 2024
