
Archive for December, 2010



Today, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, I wish to only share with you one very recent, beautiful dream experience of our spiritual mother, Mary… 

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2010 – APPROX 5:30 a.m. (Feast of Christ the King)

I dreamt that I came out into the street and others started coming out of their homes silently to come into the street also because they sensed something/someone coming.

It was nighttime.  Dark.  The street was empty when I first went into it from my home and I walked eagerly to meet the one/ones I knew were coming.  Then I saw her first.

It was my mother, Mary – most holy.  She was dressed thus:  She wore a plain robe which was not the focus point – I believe it was blue – but not flowing – a travelling robe – floor length.  The focus was her cloak and hair – the cloak was red and her hair was tied up in a chignon type bun and she bore nothing else on her head.

She walked silently and swiftly – coming from the opposite direction of her children.  She was gathering up her children to take them away with her- as we all assembled and started to come into the streets to meet her.  I realized we were all spirit – no longer in the body – OH, the freedom and lightness of no longer being bound by the body!  I was so very joyful!  I walked eagerly to meet her, my mother.

We were all in spirit – gathering – her gathering us together and walking with us to take us away – out of the city – quietly, silently – surreptitiously under the dark cloak of night.  I knew Jesus came with/was with her as this gathering was being done – there in the street and that He walked with her, but I could not see Him.  I KNEW he was there though – hard to explain.  Then I eagerly went up to her and started asking her about people/family I wanted to come with me – I asked earnestly as I walked about my children – wanting them to come too.  She replied that yes they’d come, but that they hadn’t gotten to the daycare yet – the building that housed the younger ones – they would stop there next to gather them out and we did and I saw my younger children at least in front of me there in the gathering she was assembling.  I then asked about my parents and she said yes – they’d come too, but not now and she gave a little sigh of gentle resignation – they would not be ready to go with God as we did – they’d have to spend time in purgatory first to be cleansed and I understood, but was assured they’d eventually be there with us too.

We neared the edge of the street/city just after we gathered the children/little ones and I saw a large tall elaborate gate and wrought iron rail/wall that was around all – city/world – hard to explain.  It was around the city in the dream, but beyond it was another place – freedom – hard to explain.  The gate was locked but she had angels with keys.

Just before this I turned to my left and saw what she had known and saw coming!:  I saw evil men with bandanas and machine guns – they were few in number but were just about set to put their evil plan into action.  They were poised and gesturing to each other to start the covert attack – at night – under cover of dark – silently coming when everyone was asleep and would not be prepared.

They could not see us at all though, even though we were a fairly large gathering right in front of them – they were set to attack the apartment building/dormitory we had just gathered the children out of – but they could not see us AT ALL, as we were spirit/invisible to them!

I watched with sadness though the evil that was coming and the souls who’d have to endure it and we would all be gone.

I then turned back to my right – eagerly as I was overjoyed at being with my mother and Jesus and my children and to be going where she was taking us.

I surveyed the gate and fence.  It was high and locked and it was to keep people locked in the city as prisoners.

I with joy said I could eagerly jump and somersault over it and did so easily as if I was a child on a trampoline – vaulting into the air up and over to the other side.  Others started to do the same.  There was such ease of mobility in the spirit!

After I landed on the other side I was suddenly in someone’s home – the place Mary had gathered us to and she wanted to show me something.  She started to speak about a mother’s love – such a love! – and she showed me a stairway to the right – all the way up the stairs – as far as I could see – were all the gifts I had given her as my mother over the years.  Every single one I’d ever given her was there and the stairs were completely full with them from one side to the other and up as high as I could see to the next level almost – and then she sat in the stairs amongst them as she pointed them all out to me and how she’d kept and treasured every single last one!  Not one had she thrown or given away.

They were gifts even I had given her from my childhood and I saw oddly that they were all a beautiful colour of purple – ALL the gifts were purple and for some reason many were rolled up plush bath towels – purple – piled neatly.  She showed the ones about half way up the stairs that were a large, plush, soft, cozy bath towel size – rolled and neatly kept.  Then she spoke about the gifts, saying that a mother treasures and keeps all the gifts her child gives her – no matter what it is – because it came from the child, but she then shared with me a secret.  She sat and pulled from somewhere amongst them – higher up on the stairs – more near the top – one delicate, thinner and much smaller hand towel.  It was also purple – but much more delicate, refined and fancy if you will.  She smiled at me as she said this secret to me:

  I treasure all these gifts, but this is what I really like!

I surveyed the hand towel she held.  The end had a maybe 4” wide overlay on the cloth of delicate lace – iridescent purple with the prettiest and most beautiful delicate embroidered pattern on it – a nature embroidery pattern – birds, butterflies, flowers, but of the most exquisite of iridescent, sparkling colours – the most refined I’ve ever seen – but such a small, delicate, single hand towel – neatly folded in half to show its beautiful, embroidered, overlaid end.  I wondered as she shared this secret with me why so many of the gifts I had given her were towels…

This stairwell was just in the lobby of the home she’d brought us into and it went directly up to the right, but this was just the entranceway – the preamble that she wanted to show me before we really entered the home…The doors were just inside – closed in front of me/us (those she had gathered), but she was about to open them to bring us all in.

I awoke in joy, but wanting only from this time forward to give her the gifts that she secretly showed me she treasured most in her heart – those beautiful, delicate, simple, small ones.

A part of me weeps as I finish recording this as she is such a beautiful, gentle, holy, tender, loving mother that I WISHED I could go back over my life and only give her the gifts she treasures most.

If you saw just how beautiful, tender and gentle and most deserving, yet most humble this your tender mother was your heart would break and you would wish and strive to give her nothing but the most beautiful gifts!

How very young I feel as her daughter – and how I wish to give her nothing but the most beautiful of gifts.

I feel such sadness and shame at the paltry gifts I feel I’ve been able to give her over the years and wish I could say the entire set of stairs was filled with this one gift she showed me she treasures most, but I cannot.  I saw there was still room on the uppermost stairs to give her only those kinds…

 As a new Catholic who almost feels like she’s flying by the seat of her pants in this wonderful faith, I know little about the theology of my faith in a textbook way.  However, this journey I have been sharing with you, deigned by God, has been a living of my faith in the most deep, interior, intuitive way.  I have been so very blessed to live with tastes and visions of the truths of our faith…

I have heard from those more knowledgeable than I that Mary is referred to as the new Ark of the Covenant, and that she is gathering us spiritually into that ark to save us, at least spiritually, from the evil in the world and evils to come – gathering us into that ark to lead us to the safety of her son, Jesus.

I have also heard that Mary has not been given the due honour she deserves as Mother of Jesus and Mother in the Catholic Church.  What a shame!  If you had but an inkling of the beauty of the Virgin Mary as I have experienced it, you would sit in shame for passing her by in your faith life.  I but stand as witness that you all must reawaken your devotion to your most beautiful, holy mother.  In a time when we all are clamoring for a little peace, security, love and hope, we should all be reaching with arms straight up begging for her help and grace.  She stands waiting for ALL.  You will not be disappointed my friend.  I reached up when I knew I was being called to consecrate myself to her Immaculate Heart and to devotion of the rosary, before I even became Catholic.  If you look at the pages of this website, you will see what she has done for me…

Turn, now!  Before it is too late…


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