
Archive for January, 2010

The truth about hell

I should imagine it’s not every day that one is given a little ‘foretaste’ of Hell.  I should also imagine you don’t hear from your friends in your everyday conversations that they were graced by God with a little glimpse of it…

Well, I am as surprised as you to be telling you today that this friend is going to share with you just that:  a foretaste of what it is like to be in Hell.  It was quite a horrible experience – even in the dream state.  I cried for some time after I woke from the following, very recent dream experience I share with you today.  It also prompted me to write the following across the top of the page I recorded the dream on:


Before I share this extraordinary experience with you, I wish to acknowledge that I know what a difficult topic this is for most people.  It is something most people don’t wish to even think about, let alone have someone ask them to hear about…But I only offer this writing and God-given experience as testimony to the already plain testimony of the Christian Faith and truths of the Bible…I am not really saying anything new, but only adding my own personal testimony to the truth of this horrible place.  However, it is something that no-one needs to fear, for God wishes everyone to join Him at their death and extends every grace through their life, and at the moment of each person’s death, to help them choose Him and Heaven.  The testimony of the writings of St. Faustina echo this, and I share an excerpt from them today as well.  Firstly though, I wish for us to look at what the Catechism of the Catholic Church has to say about this place called Hell:

 The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity.  Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, ‘eternal fire’.  The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.

The affirmations of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church on the subject of hell are a call to the responsibility incumbent upon man to make use of his freedom in view of his eternal destiny.  They are at the same time an urgent call to conversion:  ‘Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few:

“Since we know neither the day nor the hour, we should follow the advice of the Lord and watch constantly so that, when the single course of our earthly life is completed, we may merit to enter with him into the marriage feast and be numbered among the blessed, and not, like the wicked and slothful servants, be ordered to depart into the eternal fire, into the outer darkness where ‘men will weep and gnash their teeth’.

God predestines no one to go to hell; for this, a wilful turning away from God (a mortal sin) is necessary, and persistence in it until the end.  In the Eucharistic Liturgy and in the daily prayers of her faithful, the Church implores the mercy of God, who does not want ‘any to perish, but all to come to repentance.’Catechism of the Catholic Church- Popular and Definitive Edition; 1035-1037

Next we turn to some information from one of the alleged visionaries of Medjugorje:



Interview with Mirjana Dragicevic, By Fr. Tomislav Vlasic

Medjugorje, January 10, 1983

T: Mirjana, we have not seen each other for some time, and I would like you to tell me about the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and especially with the events that are connected to you.

M: I have seen the Blessed Virgin Mary for eighteen months now, and feel I know Her very well. I feel she loves me with Her Motherly love, and so I have been able to ask Her about anything I would like to know. I’ve asked her to explain some things about Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell that were not clear to me. For example, I asked Her how God can be so unmerciful as to throw people into Hell, to suffer forever. I thought: If a person commits a crime and goes to jail, he stays there for a while and then is forgiven – but to Hell, forever? She told me that souls who go to Hell have ceased thinking favorably of God – have cursed Him, more and more. So they’ve already become a part of Hell, and choose not to be delivered from it.

Then she told me that there are levels in Purgatory: Levels close to Hell and higher and higher toward Heaven. Most people, she said, think many souls are released from Purgatory into Heaven on All Saints’ Day, but most souls are taken into Heaven on Christmas Day.

T: Did you ask why God allows Hell?

M: No, I did not. But afterward I had a discussion with my aunt, who told me how merciful God is. So I said I would ask the Madonna how God could……

T: According to what you’ve said, then; It’s simple as this: People who oppose God on earth just continue their existence after death, and oppose God in Hell?

M: Really, I thought if a person goes to Hell….Don’t people pray for their salvation? Could God be so unmerciful as not to hear their prayers? Then the Madonna explained it to me. People in Hell do not pray at all; instead, they blame God for everything. In effect, they become one with Hell and they get used to it. They rage against God, and they suffer, but they always refuse to pray to God.

T: To ask Him for salvation?

M: In Hell, they hate Him even more.

T: As for Purgatory, you say that souls who pray frequently are sometimes allowed to communicate, at least by messages, with people on earth, and that they receive the benefits of prayers said on earth?

M: Yes. Prayers that are said on earth for souls who have not prayed for their salvation are applied to souls in purgatory who pray for their salvation.

T: Did the Madonna tell you whether many people go to Hell today?

M: I asked her about that recently, and She said that, today, most people go to purgatory, the next greatest number go to Hell, and only a few go directly to Heaven. (www.medjugorje.org)

And now I share with you my experience of the place that visionary Mirjana Dragicevic was told the second greatest (!) number of souls goes to:



I had a dream that was quite shocking!  I sat in a room and I was with God.  He was showing me something.  There was a low ledge in the middle of the room that ran the length of the room.  It was like a separation line between the place I sat with Him and another place like another dimension and state:  the other place dropped off into a large place of unknown depth and this place was Hell!

God was giving me a ‘taste’ of the quality of Hell.  He took a silver teaspoon and dipped it ever so slightly into Hell and scooped up a small smidge of a greyish material/’taste’ of the nature of hell and gave it to me to eat.  I took this at His offering me the spoon.  He did this to give me knowledge – not because I was supposed to be there etc.

 I took the first taste into my mouth and I was aghast at what happened.  As soon as I ingested it I entered through an unseen barrier between the place I sat with God and the place that was Hell that was on the other side of the barrier ledge.  As I entered it, it was like stepping momentarily out of time into a place that had no time – a perpetual living in a timeless dimension of just being in a constant state of ingesting one’s own sins committed.  I entered into a state of unbelievable awareness and every fibre of my soul went into almost like a living, breathing dimension of ‘living’ one’s sin in a timeless, yet perpetual fashion. 

Awareness and the state of one’s sin permeated the entire soul’s every breath (this was not the sin of my soul – I was shown at least two different types of sin and how a soul experienced their sin in hell, but I did not remember the nature of the two types of sin I was shown upon waking).  As I experienced this state/place it was almost like it was continually ‘breathed in’ – everything was tasted and vibrated in and around the soul in a constant state of horrible awareness and the knowing exactly that the state and tastes and smells came from your deeds and exactly matched your sins.

I cannot describe this well.  Nothing like this state exists on earth as I’ve seen or known it:  All one’s senses participated in this experience in Hell – the taste, the smell and a certain living, breathing, ever-renewing dimension of the soul tasting perpetually the rottenness of its sin.  Moreoever the experience of the horror of the soul’s state in Hell directly correlated to the type of sins committed.  It was horrible!!!  Even just the tiny, tiny taste God gave me on the end of that spoon!

I then came back out of the dimension/other world/place (of Hell) that I had entered into upon eating the taste and God gave me a second taste of Hell.  Again, He reached the spoon into a slightly different area to give me a second taste and I plunged again with my entire consciousness into another ‘taste’ of this horrific reality.

What struck me the most of this dream experience was the vivid, pulsating, fully alive state/place of perpetual vibrating reality of sin and hell – an endless revolving ingestion of every fibre of the soul’s awareness and experiencing perpetually the smell, taste and breath of your sin in such a conscious state of awareness and truth and reality so alive it vibrates in and around the soul inescapably and inseparably as I’ve never seen or experienced such a state of reality on earth!


It is my hope that my testimony, which simply adds to the already plain testimony of the Bible, gives impetus to help your own heart embark on, or strive further, in the spiritual journey – the course towards ‘holiness’, which is simply perfection in love.  The journey towards becoming perfected in love is indeed a challenging one – especially in our day…However, every day of your life is a gift and opportunity to grow on this path.

One of the first and most important steps in the climb is the recognition of those errors against love – sins – and the desire to say sorry – to God and others – ‘repentance’.  It is also very important to forgive the wrongs of others to avoid a build up of resentment and hardness of heart.  I know sometimes even the desire to repent and forgive others can be highly difficult.  Some wrongs wound us so deeply.  However, I have personally found that one doesn’t necessarily have to have the feelings first to forgive or repent, but more it is an act of the will, and one only has to express the desire in one’s own words to God for the grace to be able to both repent and forgive.  His grace helps us do what we sometimes feel humanly unable to do.

For those who are Catholic we have the grace of the confessional, and should avail ourselves regularly of the sacrament of Confession.  Through the confessional, we have access to Jesus through the person of the Priest to give us temporal outward experience of the hidden grace of forgiveness imparted by God.  For those not Catholic, go to Jesus in your heart and ask for forgiveness for wrongs you’ve committed and ask for help to be a holy person. Go to church.  Strive to live with love.   Do not fear.  The devil would love that!  Instead, heed the words of Jesus to Saint Faustina, in the book Divine Mercy in My Soul – the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska:


My daughter, encourage souls to say the chaplet which I have given to you.  It pleases Me to grant everything they ask of Me by saying the chaplet.  When hardened sinners say it, I will fill their souls with peace, and the hour of their death will be a happy one.

Write this for the benefit of distressed souls; when a soul sees and realizes the gravity of its sins, when the whole abyss of the misery into which it immersed itself is displayed before its eyes, let it not despair, but with trust let it throw itself into the arms of My mercy, as a child into the arms of its beloved mother.  These souls have a right of priority to My compassionate Heart, they have first access to My mercy.  Tell them that no soul that has called upon My mercy has been disappointed or brought to shame.  I delight particularly in a soul which has placed its trust in My goodness.

Write that when they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person, not as the just Judge but as the merciful Saviour. (Diary, 1541)

And, lastly, I leave you with a contemporary message from a song that resonates deeply with me and that I coincidentally heard as I was preparing this writing:

My best friend gave me the best advice

He said each day’s a gift and not a given right

Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind

And try to take the path less travelled by

That first step you take is the longest stride


If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late

Could you say goodbye to yesterday?

Would you live each moment like your last

Leave old pictures in the past?

Donate every dime you had, if today was your last day?

What if, what if, if today was your last day?


Against the grain should be a way of life

What’s worth the price is always worth the fight

Every second counts ’cause there’s no second try

So live like you’re never living twice

Don’t take the free ride in your own life…


And would you call those friends you never see?

Reminisce old memories?

Would you forgive your enemies?

And would you find that one you’re dreaming of?

Swear up and down to God above

That you’d finally fall in love if today was your last day?


If today was your last day

Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart?

You know it’s never too late to shoot for the stars

Regardless of who you are


So do whatever it takes

‘Cause you can’t rewind a moment in this life

Let nothing stand in your way

‘Cause the hands of time are never on your side


If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late

Could you say goodbye to yesterday?

Would you live each moment like your last

Leave old pictures in the past?

Donate every dime you had, if today was your last day?


And would you call those friends you never see?

Reminisce old memories?

Would you forgive your enemies?

And would you find that one you’re dreaming of?

Swear up and down to God above

That you’d finally fall in love if today was your last day?


Because of the busyness of our lives and human nature, we tend to put off decisions concerning moral matters that seem heavy.  However, there is danger in doing so, because we get in the habit of putting things off instead of facing them head on with the Lord.  With this in mind I ask you:

What if today was your last day?


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Before I launch into the next segment in the series on our adversary, I wish to take a brief moment to celebrate things joyful with you:  Happy New Year!  I hope your Christmas was joyful and blessed!

Ours was a very busy, wonderful time, hence little new on this website over the past few weeks!  So, without further ado I delve back into a little illumination about an unpleasant subject, but in doing so, desire to bring knowledge and power to as many as possible.

This week the experiences I will share are intended to show various ways the enemy attacks us – unseen by our physical senses.  They also show what great power we have in God and that all Satan’s attempts are brought to naught by the protection of God’s grace and power.


I wish to focus particularly on the curious ability of being able to curse people and the remedy to protect all from this unseen negative use of our spiritual power.  The definition of a curse, according to Wikipedia is as follows:

A curse (also called execration) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or unhappiness will befall another person or persons. In particular, a wish that harm or hurt will be inflicted by any supernatural power, such as a spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration, magic, witchcraft, a god, a natural force, or a spirit. In many belief systems, the curse itself (or accompanying ritual) is considered to have some causative force in the result.

Unfortunately, as I have climbed higher in the spiritual path in the service of God, I have experienced several occasions in the dream state of the attempt of our common enemy, Satan (and his demons), to curse me.  The Padre Pio Centre for Deliverance has this to say regarding curses:

  • Sins of Others: The “sins of the fathers” is often a sad reason for the problems and even the demonization of the children. One of the most famous cases of possession was in Iowa in the 1920s. (To read an account of this case see, Begone Satan!) This was a case in which the possessed woman had been repeatedly cursed by her wicked father. The poor girl suffered terribly due to her father’s sin. On occassion we can also suffer from curses and spells perpetrated upon us by anyone who is evil enough to want to do such a thing.   In these cases, there is nothing we have done to cause the demonization. We are innocent. We are, rather, victims of other people’s sin. www.saintpiocenter.org/
  • The following dream excerpts show differing and escalating spiritual attack, the third of which – even in the dream state – was horrifically terrifying.   This is an area of great darkness – one that is mostly unseen by our physical senses.  The fact that these types of behaviours go on underneath the hub of daily life – rituals such as satanic worship, voodoo, curses and dark masses – practised in dark areas – is something most inner city police and our Catholic Exorcists can attest to.  These glimpses are just little ones from my nocturnal spiritual ‘eyes’ and I present them for your discernment:

    PSALM 23

    NOVEMBER 9, 2003

    Dreamt I saw a girl I know and she told me she was going to some kind of ‘magic party’ – her and her friends thought it was harmless, innocent fun – tinkering in the occult.  I warned her right away you could not know where information came from – which were good spirits and which were bad.  I exhorted her to believe that there were evil spirits who posed quite easily as good and that we were sitting ducks – easy prey.  There was another lady in the lobby with us, playing it down, saying “There’s no such thing as evil as an entity of its own.”

    I said, “You’re wrong!  Don’t be stupid!  Protect yourself!”  I asked my friend if she ever tested the spirits – she didn’t even know what that meant.  I said “I’m going to write the prayer down for you before you go so that you don’t leave (or leave this website!) without it.”

    Then as I went to write it down the dream changed.  I sensed something untoward going on in the house.  I went to my parent’s bedroom as I was in my childhood home and I saw three men at the foot of their bed setting up some kind of satanic ritual to harm me.  One lay on the bed and two were on the floor.  One was kneeling with the main one who was performing the ritual facing the one kneeling.  He was preparing to stab the kneeling one with some strange long metal object – with fire – that looked like a branding iron.  The man lighting it and performing the ritual looked up at me as I watched this scene and started to hiss – he looked black and possessed or voodoo-ish.  I realized they were possessed so I immediately started the prayer to discern spirits.  I mixed it up a bit and their eyes started to glow and they started to hiss and show their demonic nature through their human facade.  I recited the prayer a little choppily two more times, but they still didn’t leave – they were more powerful entities than I have encountered before – maybe because there were three of them and because of the ritual they were performing.

    I remembered something I read recently in an angel book a friend gave me, about calling on the good angels for help.  I yelled out “Arcangels and angels, help me!”  Then I recited the prayer again with their help.  I could feel their power even though I couldn’t see them.  I recited the prayer properly this time and with great force.  The demons immediately left.


    MONDAY, MAY 22, 2006

    Remember the end of a strange, satanic dream.  I had come to a woman’s house because I thought my help was needed.  Times were ominous (world terror and tragedy).  I was led to this house by this woman that I thought was good so I went to help.

    When I got in her home, however, I realized she was a satanic priestess.  I recognized her evil intent to harm me just before she revealed her true nature.  I said in my head so she wouldn’t hear “Cover me with your Precious Blood, Jesus.”  Then as I came to face her (I had followed her into this living room, I think), she sat and had a very large, flat, thin rectangular book lying in front of her – twisted kitty -corner to me.  On it were black satanic symbols.  On her lips she had painted a thick coat of what appeared to be black lipstick or paint and was attempting to kill me by giving me the kiss of death with some kind of satanic black magic.

    I had called on the protection of the Precious Blood just before this, so she could not do as she attempted.  Instead she hissed a name at me (that I prefer to keep private) very evilly and derisively.  She was mocking, threatening and hating me and seethed at me with open, derisive evil.

    I spoke back to her as I approached (and she had to retreat) something again about how I had the power of Jesus Christ and something about my mission and desire and complete service to God and that I WOULD NOT be intimidated or scared into backing down from it.  I was able to overcome her with Jesus’s power and she disappeared.



    (There was NO WAY I would even write this at time dreamed – way too scary – recorded at 7:45 a.m.)

    A horrific satanic nightmare of the most evil proportion I have experienced to date.  Terrified even to write it down.

     Dreamt I was with a close friend.  All of a sudden there was a large underground excavated chamber with stairs that led down at one corner.  It seemed square – a square, excavated, flat even area of ground – not deep – maybe 6-8’. 

    As we went down in the base area of it satanic presence was everywhere.  My friend was wandering around this pit area unaware.  I saw everything as it was for what it was.  It became immensely horrifying.  ‘Il Diavlo’ kept being repeated over and over and over again. 

    I saw a child, perhaps Mexican looking, lying – killed by the devil and his body taken possession of and used.  No-one knew this child was not the real one.  I did and saw the child’s real body lying broken with his blood spilled out profusely around him.  He seemed lying near and slightly behind the base of stairs. 

    As I saw that this was so and pointed out the truth to my friend and whoever was with me, ‘Il Diavlo’ came after me. 

    It was Satan.  The attack then centered on me and so many satanic forces and tools were used.  I have never seen so many satanic tools and forces in one dream!  I saw a chicken in this pit being used in some voodoo way with its neck broken, then the spilled blood of the boy, then all of a sudden back on the earth I was surrounded by hex circles.  They were in quadrants I believe, around me – circles of something.  (The hex circles had something in them I think – a number 6 or a shape of some sort – unsure).  Satan was personally directing the main force of the attack at me.  He was directly over the top of my head as I lay sleeping.  He was directly managing a hex circle above the crown of my head. 

    This was the most terrifying part of the dream.  Then I could see the other hex circles placed strategically about me – farther away and other agents of evil were involved – many demonic forces, but I could not see them.  ‘Il Diavlo’, ‘Il Diavlo’, ‘Il Diavlo’ was drummed at me incessantly almost in a chant. 

    Then voracious, snapping black dogs were sent at me.  I saw them come barrelling at me with teeth bared, snapping.  I saw little voodoo dolls – small; maybe 4” – made of straw with five points – head and four limbs with what looked like a small straw halo fashioned around the straw head of each doll.  The ‘Il Diavlo’ chant was endless.  Satan was attacking me directly with such power and force as I’ve never seen or experienced before.  Terrifyingly terrifying!!!!!!! 

    I, of course, immediately invoked the protection of the ‘Precious Blood’ – over and over again.  I called on all the Arcangels and angels to help and protect me and my family as I became aware I was sleeping in the trailer and being attacked.  And though I tried I could not force myself to wake up.  I became lucid dreaming – aware consciously that I was sleeping and dreaming this.  I strained desperately to awaken myself, but I could not.  The forces about me were immense, immense, immense!  I continued to pray.  I asked for Mary’s help and protection.  I did not stop praying NO MATTER WHAT, as I continued to see this happening in the dream. 

    I was shocked the attack went on as long as it did.  It lasted so long and I had to pray so long and endure the attack without any immediate sign that it would abate/be overcome.  My trust in God never wavered for a second, or my trust that the good forces would eventually overcome the bad (even though I was terribly afraid), but this dream was different from the other satanic attack dreams where it ends abruptly or Jesus or angels come to my aid.  In this dream all I saw and felt was Satan and demonic forces and voodoo symbols and rituals all about me in overpowering force.

    Even as I lay in my bed saying every prayer and invocation and request for aid from every source, as I have been taught to do by my spiritual director, I felt or saw NO help.  I saw nothing holy – no angels, no Jesus, no power of God – NOTHING except evil encamped around me.  Especially ‘I Diavlo’ – Satan directly leading the barrage.

    As I struggled to come to consciousness to escape this dream and attack I finally managed to truly come awake and even though my room was pitch dark, my eyes were reacting as though they had been bombarded with light – like immense big round flashbulbs that blind the eyes.  (Message:  Even if you see nothing with your physical senses, know that you can call on all the help I have in this writing and it will be there, so do not hesitate if you or a loved one is suffering from satanic attack!)

    When I woke I was so terrified I went to sleep in another room with my oldest daughter and did not record this dream until the morning.  I was upset for some time after I woke and could not sleep for terror, so I recited a Divine Mercy Chaplet for all who were under satanic attack and I finally fell back asleep…

    My spiritual director wishes me to emphasize that in all these negative experiences I was victorious through the power of Jesus, Mary, God and the holy angels – forces that we have about us to aid us in all circumstances to prevent any attack of the enemy from affecting us at all!  Praise be to God!  For further reading on Rev. Joseph Kane’s personal experiences with things of this nature as an exorcist in Peru, follow the link to obtain his book, Your Light Shines in My Darkness.



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